ArticoloELSOBA Alcalá de Henares Workshop Programme_May 23, 2022
ELSOBA Alcalá de Henares Workshop Programme_May 23, 2022
Roundtable ELSOBA-UNIPU agenda FINAL Roundtable report Petr Kotab Charles University in Prague Darko Sesvecanec Infobip Ivana Parac Vukomanovic HNB Linardo … Continua a leggere
The final event of the project is aimed at bringing the most engaged speakers and attendees of the previous events together with practitioners, policy-makers, business representatives and, in general, stakeholders in the fields covered by the project. The several sessions … Continua a leggere
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A book will be published at the end of the two years research period, in order to collect the results obtained within the Project and to disseminate them to the academic community, civil society and to the institutional and non-institutional … Continua a leggere
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PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project aims at disseminating knowledge and raising awareness about benefits and risks of recent EU strategies in the field of payment services, with specific regard to the Open Banking regulatory environment. The provisions recently entered into force … Continua a leggere